SEJKOM Logistics

Logistics Facility Management Services

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Logistics Facility Management Services

We provide Logistics Facility Management services for Quality Logistics Manpower. Customer who want to manage their Logistics with their own infrastructure but need outsourced manpower can opt for Logistics Facility Management Services or LFMS. Manpower for such businesses are provided on an yearly basis. Sejkom takes care of complete payroll management for outsourced manpower. Lack of expert logistician, shortage of manpower, absenteeism, regulatory compliance for in-house employee all these issues can be managed more efficiently through LFMS contract. Many organizations are not in a position to handle all aspect of Logistics process internally and additionally some process/project are temporary and organizations do not intend to hire in-house professionals, in such cases organizations can avail benefits of Sejkom LFMS.

Quality Manpower

Our manpower, our expertise and our hardcore logistician will manage your logistics.


We take care of regulatory compliance for manpower as well as logistics processes.


Leveraging latest technologies for logistics infrastructure and software implementation.